Special Red Sandal Wood


  • Brand: Paro oud
  • Item form: Solid Wood
  • Item Volume: 25 g
  • Uses: It is used in perfume and cosmetics


What are the benefits of red sandal wood (Lal Chandan)?

  • It may have an antipyretic effect (may reduce fever)
  • It may reduce inflammation.
  • It may have an analgesic effect (may reduce pain)
  • It may have an anthelmintic effect (may reduce parasite infection)
  • It may act against dysentery.
  • It may be used as a cooling agent.

Red Sandalwood may have the following properties: 

  • It may have an antipyretic effect (may reduce fever)
  • It may reduce inflammation
  • It may have an analgesic effect (may reduce pain)
  • It may have an anthelmintic effect (may reduce parasite infection)
  • It may act against dysentery
  • It may be used as a cooling agent
  • It may reduce blood sugar level
  • It may act as an anticancer agent


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